Location & Connections

Twinwoods Business Park benefits from excellent connections to the A6, A428 and A1, as well as a short drive to Bedford Train Station with quick access to Luton Airport and London St Pancras in 15 minutes and 51 minutes respectively.

Ox Cam Arc

Twinwoods Business Park is ideally located in the UKs ‘Golden Triangle’, the region between London, Oxford and Cambridge. This arc contributes £111 billion to the UKs economy and is the subject of major public sector investment such as the Oxford to Cambridge rail infrastructure.

UK Logistics Triangle

Twinwoods sits on the edge of the triangle, where 27.3 million people are accessible within a 2-hour drive time. Six of the UK’s largest ports (annual tonnage of over 25 million) are accessible within the HGV drive time directive. These include London Gateway, Grimsby, Liverpool, Southampton, Tees & Hartlepool and Felixstowe.

Road Upgrades

The billion pound A428 Black Cat to Caxton Gibbet upgrade is now underway. This will significantly improve journeys between Milton Keynes, Bedford and Cambridge by dualling the last remaining section of single carriageway and improving access from the site to the M11 and A14 east. Works are expected to complete in 2027.

Twinwoods Business Park is located approximately 5 miles north of Bedford, near the villages of Milton Ernest and Thurleigh.

With close proximity to major arterial routes including the A6, A1 and M1, the site provides good access to the UK motorway network. Vehicles larger than 7.5 tonne or 2m width are to access the site via the A6 roundabout with Bletsoe Road and Mill Road.

The site is located approximately 2.5 miles from the A6 roundabout. Bedford Train Station is located approximately 5 miles south of the site, which offers access to London St Pancras in 51 minutes.

Drive Times

A6 (North via Thurleigh Road)

Bedford Train Station

J13 M1

Milton Keynes


5 mins

10 mins

25 mins

32 mins

1 hr 50 mins

HGV route from Twinwoods Business Park to A6 (2.5miles).

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